production process of coal wtaer slurry

Influence and mechanism of alkalimodified sludge on coal water slurry ...

Influence and mechanism of alkalimodified sludge on coal water slurry ...

Municipal sludge (MS) is used to prepare coal water slurry (CWS). This practice is beneficial for resource utilization and reduces treatment costs and environmental pollution. In this study, alkalimodified municipal sludge (AMS) was prepared with Ca(OH)2 as modifier and mixed with coal to produce AMSCWS. The effect and mechanism of MS and AMS on slurry ability, stability, and combustion ...

Insight of anode reaction for CWS (coal water slurry) electrolysis for ...

Insight of anode reaction for CWS (coal water slurry) electrolysis for ...

1. Introduction. Compared with coal gasification or steam reforming for hydrogen production [1], [2], water electrolysis for hydrogen had some advantages, such as clean, purity, mild conditions and so on [3], [4].However, water electrolysis also had some limitations, such as high energy consumption [5], low current efficiency [6].Therefore, there are many methods studied for saving energy and ...

The prospects of burning coal and oil processing waste in slurry, gel ...

The prospects of burning coal and oil processing waste in slurry, gel ...

The average size of fuel droplets in the jet decreases by 512% in comparison with twocomponent coalwater fuel. Ignition delay time of a single droplet of slurry at oxidizer temperature 1273 K increases by 23% in comparison with twocomponent coalwater fuel when 10% of coal is replaced by liquid pyrolysis products.

Slurryability and Influencing Mechanism of Hydrophobic Structures in ...

Slurryability and Influencing Mechanism of Hydrophobic Structures in ...

Coal is one of the most important fossil fuels in the world. In recent years, the demand for fossil fuel energy has increased. Coal water slurry (CWS) is composed of approximately 6075% coal, 2540% water, and 1% additives; it is environmentally friendly At present, the anionic additives used in industrial applications include naphthalenesulfonates, aliphatic sulfonates, lignin sulfonates ...

Natural Dispersant in Coal Water Slurry Stabilization

Natural Dispersant in Coal Water Slurry Stabilization

Coal water slurry (CWS) It is used as fuel and considered as forefather of coal . In the ladder the next step is lignite which has a calorific value of BTU per pound and moisture content is of 2535%. It is used for electricity generation. : The next grade is subbituminous which contains heating value of 8300 to 13,000 BTU/pound ...

(PDF) Combined Treatments of Underground Coal Slurry: Laboratory ...

(PDF) Combined Treatments of Underground Coal Slurry: Laboratory ...

The normal coal production is guaranteed and less affected by the coal slurry discharge process. Meanwhile, the water pollution problem is much addressed and the damage of coal slurry to the ...

Coal Slurry an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Coal Slurry an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Simplified block diagram of gasification process for syngas production. Coal slurry is first prepared by crushing the coal to a size of mm particle diameter along with water addition. The coal slurry is the pumped to the gasifier where the reactions take place in the controlled amount of oxygen.

Synergistic effects of mixing waste activated carbon and coal in co ...

Synergistic effects of mixing waste activated carbon and coal in co ...

Of the different additives, the viscosity reduction effect of Tween 80 in the waste oilcoalwater slurry was best. Further, the comprehensive performance of the waste oilcoalwater slurry, including slurry ability, stability and fluidity, was found to be best at a water content of 10% and a Tween 80 content of 5%.

Applied Sciences | Free FullText | Potential of CoalWater ... MDPI

Applied Sciences | Free FullText | Potential of CoalWater ... MDPI

Coalwater slurry or coalwater mixture (CWS or CWM) is a complex solidliquid dispersion. Several research works have been done concerning the production and use of CWSs being developed worldwide in several different governmental, industrial and academic facilities. In the present paper, studies on the developments achieved in the past three decades with regard to the field mentioned ...

Slurryability and flowability of coal water slurry ... ScienceDirect

Slurryability and flowability of coal water slurry ... ScienceDirect

As a part of clean coal technology, the coal water slurry has a popular application in the conventional and new thermal power stations. The hydrotransport is nowadays a preferred method, due to its low specific energy consumption and nonpolluting nature. The lignites and high ash coals, available in abundance, show poor slurryability, thereby making the process unsustainable.

The influence of inherent minerals on the constantcurrent electrolysis ...

The influence of inherent minerals on the constantcurrent electrolysis ...

Numerous excellent studies have reported on energysaving through CWS electrolysis. In 1979, Coughlin and Farooque [33] investigated CWS electrolysis, where the operational cell voltage ranged from to V, surpassing the theoretical value of V but still lower than the electrolysis of water at 2021, Chen [34] investigated the influence of coal rank on coalassisted water ...

Coalwater slurry fuel production: Its evolution and current status in ...

Coalwater slurry fuel production: Its evolution and current status in ...

article{osti_324767, title = {Coalwater slurry fuel production: Its evolution and current status in the United States}, author = {Morrison, J L and Miller, B G and Scaroni, A W}, abstractNote = {Interest in the US in utilizing bituminous coal in a slurry form has evolved substantially over the last two decades. In the mid1970`s, technologies to utilize coaloil mixtures (COMs) as potential ...

PDF Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Coal Water Slurry Process in Indonesia

PDF Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Coal Water Slurry Process in Indonesia

Coal water slurry product was more competitive or cheaper than MFO in terms of fuel cost in power plants. Fuel cost of coal water slurry product was USD million/year, and MFO was USD million/year. Based on the result of the study above, the coal water slurry process is feasible to be implemented with adequate infrastructure support

Characteristics and anode reaction of organic wastewaterassisted coal ...

Characteristics and anode reaction of organic wastewaterassisted coal ...

A total of eight types of organic wastewater were used in the study. Gas washing water (A), sulfur water (B), carbonized water (C) and slag discharge water (D) were the coal gasification wastewater produced by the entrained bed process; Yima wastewater (F) was coal gasification wastewater produced by the crushed coal fixed bed process (Lurgi furnace); coking wastewater (E) was produced by the ...

The Influence of Coal Water Slurry Particle Size on the ... Springer

The Influence of Coal Water Slurry Particle Size on the ... Springer

The liquid phase in coal slurry is mainly water, the density is 998 kg/m 3, and the viscosity is Pa s; the density of the coal slurry mixed solution is 1220 kg/m 3, and the viscosity is Pa s; the density of pulverized coal particles is 1728 kg/m 3, the particle size distribution is between and 2 mm, the particle size is set ...

(PDF) Potential of CoalWater Slurries as an Alternative Fuel Source ...

(PDF) Potential of CoalWater Slurries as an Alternative Fuel Source ...

The prepared coalwater slurry consisted of 23% to 50% Lochiel coal and 40% Bowman's coal. The authors found that the solid concentration a ff ected the nature of the slurry, with 23% Newtonian

Ecofriendly utilization of microplastics for preparing coal water ...

Ecofriendly utilization of microplastics for preparing coal water ...

Coal water slurry (CWS) is an important cleancoalbased liquid fuel with the characteristics of highefficiency and lowpollution. This paper aims to implement the principles of clean production and prepare CWS by coblending coal particles and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) microplastics.

Coalwater slurry fuels: an overview (Technical Report)

Coalwater slurry fuels: an overview (Technical Report)

Coalwater slurry fuel is a fuel that is domestic, in large supply, can be handled like a liquid, burns like coal, costs like coal, and has the potential as a near term alternative to No. 6 fuel oil. Unlike the coal gasification and liquefication processes, the capital investment required is modest. While those synthetic fuel processes cost in ...

Synergistic assisted hydrogen production of tailings slurry and coal ...

Synergistic assisted hydrogen production of tailings slurry and coal ...

1. Introduction. Coal has long been used as a fossil fuel to meet a significant proportion of the world's electricity needs (Blissett and Rowson, 2012; Cao et al., 2016).Despite its wide range of applications, the efficiency of converting coal into electricity is often less than 40%, and its extensive use raises a number of environmental concerns (Jewell et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2005).

Study on the preparation of coal wastewater slurry from salt/alkali ...

Study on the preparation of coal wastewater slurry from salt/alkali ...

In the production process, noncompliant wastewater was treated and reused in industrial production, which can greatly reduce the consumption of fresh water and lessen pollutant emissions [4], [5]. Coal water slurry (CWS) [6], [7] refers to a suspended dispersion system containing coal, water and a small amount of additives.

Insight of anode reaction for CWS (coal water slurry) electrolysis for ...

Insight of anode reaction for CWS (coal water slurry) electrolysis for ...

Therefore, there are many methods studied for saving energy and increasing efficiency of hydrogen production [7], [8], [9]. CWS (coal water slurry) electrolysis not only could increase efficiency of hydrogen production (Faraday current efficiency closed to ) from water electrolysis [10], [11], but also could achieve purity of coal, such as ...

Preparation of the modified sludgesemicoke water slurry and analysis ...

Preparation of the modified sludgesemicoke water slurry and analysis ...

Chu et al. [21] studied the mechanism of modified sludgecoal water slurry (MSCWS) and significantly improved the fluidity and stability of the slurry. Zhang et al. [22] used a coal chemical sludge as raw material and mixed it with lignite, coking coal and lean coal to prepare SCWS; it was shown that the addition of appropriate proportion of ...

Exergy Analysis of CoalBased Series Polygeneration Systems for ... MDPI

Exergy Analysis of CoalBased Series Polygeneration Systems for ... MDPI

Coalwaterslurry preheating technology offers another opportunity to boost energy efficiency during gasification, ... Aspen Plus is used to model the chemical production process, and GT Pro is used to model the power generation process. In Section 4, the distribution of exergy loss in the system is mapped, and the impacts of different ...

Coal Slurry: an Idea that Came and Went |

Coal Slurry: an Idea that Came and Went |

During the coal boom of the 1970s, slurry pipelines were proposed as an alternative to rail transport. Coal would be crushed, then mixed with water to create a slurry and sent via pipeline to its destination, where the mixture was dried, then burned. When in the pipeline, the slurry moved along at a leisurely four miles an hour.

Study on the pyrolysis behavior of coalwater slurry and coaloilwater ...

Study on the pyrolysis behavior of coalwater slurry and coaloilwater ...

In this work, the pyrolysis behavior of coalwater slurry and coaloilwater slurry at various temperatures of °C in a fixed bed reactor was studied. For the pyrolysis of coalwater slurry and coaloilwater slurry, the increase of pyrolysis temperature and water content promoted an increase in gas production but resulted in a ...

Acceleration effect of BDO tar on coal water slurry during co ...

Acceleration effect of BDO tar on coal water slurry during co ...

Fig. 1 shows the production process of BDO tar [7]. ... Some chemical wastes mix into coalwaterslurry (CWS) in a proportion known as wastecoalwaterslurry (WCWS), which can control waste releases and recycle valuable resources. With the development of the gasification technology of CWS, the adaptability of raw materials is continually ...

PDF Application and Development Prospect of CWS Technology Atlantis Press

PDF Application and Development Prospect of CWS Technology Atlantis Press

Coal water slurry production process (equipment) to the clean, high efficiency and low energy with our country the atmosphere exceeds bid badly, leads toincreased haze weather, the coal water slurry production must be present, the domestic existing

Coalwater slurry fuel Wikipedia

Coalwater slurry fuel Wikipedia

The production of coalwater slurry fuel involves the crushing of coal or coal sludge to particles between 10 and 65 micrometers diameter (standard crushers can be used); wet milling and homogenisation (with additives as required). The resulting product ( coal slurry) is then prepared for intermediate storage or transport.

Gasification property of coaloilfield wastewaterslurry and ...

Gasification property of coaloilfield wastewaterslurry and ...

ABSTRACT Oilfield wastewater was used to prepare coal slurry, which is called coaloilfield wastewaterslurry. The gasification properties of coaloilfield wastewaterslurry and coal water slurry were studied by using the thermogravimetry method, and the promoting effect of oilfield wastewater on gasification was also determined at the micro level. Results showed that coaloilfield ...

A Novel ChemicalElectrochemical Hydrogen Production from Coal Slurry ...

A Novel ChemicalElectrochemical Hydrogen Production from Coal Slurry ...

Hydrogen production from the electrolysis of coal slurry is a promising approach under the condition of low voltage ( V) and medium temperature. However, the rate of hydrogen production is slugged by poor anode kinetics, under an electrochemical condition that results from the collision of the coal particles with the anode surface. This paper reports a novel process that consists of ...

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